We are excited to announce that GoldenSource has been shortlisted for three ESG Insight Awards in a number of categories for the ESG Insight Awards 2022. Our selection comes after a year of delivering on our roadmap of ESG capabilities to keep our clients ahead of the demands of the industry and regulators. Winning these awards will mean a lot to the many people that work on developing and implementing the GoldenSource ESG Impact software, and to our clients who helped shape the solution. Please vote for GoldenSource in all 3 categories.
GoldenSource has been shortlisted for:
Best data management solution for ESG
GoldenSource ESG Impact is recognized for its proven ability to operationalize ESG data in financial firms. This forms the vision, design and user experience of the solution.
Key to helping firms get the best ESG-related outcomes is our strong foundational data management capability, which includes mapping, mastering, tagging, analytics, distributing data to downstream systems, linking it to other enterprise data and optimal data workflows to support ESG-related use cases across the firm. Users also gain a deep understanding of the thousands of ESG data attributes moving through the solution, so they know which raw ESG data is used to arrive at the values for key metrics. Our deep integration with ESG data sources from a range of specialist providers offer these insights and the capability to aggregate metrics at the portfolio level.
Best overall ESG technology provider
The design and technology that underpins our flagship GoldenSource EDM platform is uniquely positioned to support both ESG data management and extensive financial services ESG use cases as a cloud-based service. It is this technology that enables automated ingestion of ESG data as-a-service; all data sets to be used by a customer are pre-mapped to any related data across the materiality maps from all other sources; and all data to be used for regulatory purposes (e.g. MiFID II, SFDR) or alignment with taxonomies and templates is tagged. Data governance and data lineage are the DNA of the GoldenSource technology, supporting the growing number of pre-configured ESG workflows and use cases, which are based on demand from industry practitioners. The native capability to link and inter-relate data types, plus the efficient computing power behind the technology platform, ensure that analytics and advanced methodologies can be undertaken with confidence.
Best data governance framework solution for ESG
GoldenSource ESG Impact is recognized for having put into practice the data governance capabilities of the GoldenSource EDM platform. Examples include a complete audit trail of raw vendor, estimated and derived data, because understanding a data point‘s origination is paramount. We provide full documentation of our integration with many ESG data sources, because each serviced API forms one of our governance control points for the thousands of ESG data attributes moving through our solution. We carry out stringent data quality checks for the large volume and heterogenity of ESG data. These include checks for data completeness, staleness, outliers, and plausibility across ESG agencies‘ assessments, as well as load-time validations against standards (ISO, Classification Schemes, LEI). We ensure ESG data users speak the same language – all standard and data vendor-proprietary ESG materiality maps are cross-referenced for equivalent comparable topics at all dimensions and criteria. This allows organizations to speak the same language, which is a fundamental form of governance. This cross-referencing enables users to get maximum value from all the available data. It addresses the fact that each data aggregator is gathering, calculating and structuring ESG metrics and raw data according to its own methodology.
Aggregated metrics are needed when working with multiple ESG data sources, so our mapping and controls enable us to offer drill-down & roll-up scores, ratings, and ranks for industry peers, with provision for in-house weights and composite score creation, all in a governed environment. Because governance is inherited from the GoldenSource EDM Platform, our existing Security Master and Entity Master also cleanly align with the functionalities and data governance practices within GoldenSource ESG Impact. So, having fully linked Portfolios <-> Positions <-> Issuers and Instruments of all asset classes provides confident ESG data lookup along a company‘s entity hierarchy tree. This means that ESG information that is missing for a company can be backfilled from another entity in the corporate, again in a governed, auditable manner.
We’re also pleased to congratulate a number of the data vendors whose data feeds have been integrated into GoldenSource ESG Impact and who have also been nominated in various categories.
In Good Company
It’s pleasing to note that we’re working with data vendors who are recognized as leaders in ESG data in these award shortlists. These include Arabesque, Bloomberg, FactSet, Fitch Rating, Moody’s, Morningstar Sustainalytics, MSCI, Orenda, Owl Analytics, Refinitiv, RepRisk, S&P and SIX. It’s good to be in such company.