Our global securities master module covers all instruments and asset classes including equities, fixed income, structured products, funds and complex derivatives.
security master
Unlike toolkit approaches specializing in moving and loading data from point to point, you can manage reference data centrally from a scalable hub with off-the-shelf functionality and tools.
GoldenSource Securities Master is a proven data management solution, which enables our clients to stay competitive by providing all of the features you would expect from a security master and lots more beside.
With ESG and sustainability driving a great deal of research, reporting and investment analysis, straightforward and accurate matching of securities with ESG data or scores is becoming critical. GoldenSource Securities Master is ESG enabled, meaning it supports matching and mastering of ESG data.
Automate data quality with exception-based data management using automated workflows and rules with an ability to trace and audit data provenance. Flexibly set access, notifications, and controls to manage the persisted data store such as four-eye and six-eye change approval processes by user and instrument type.
Avoid being constrained to batch processing for intraday activities. Have the ability to deliver trusted data at the right time to the right audience with real-time golden copy processing. Support growth by consolidating operations onto a flexible, single trusted EDM platform that scales to handle high volumes to meet diverse customer requirements.
The burden of maintaining interfaces is often identified as the great hidden cost to data management.
Make it easy to access and standardize content from multiple external sources with maintained, off-the-shelf connections to global financial data vendors such as Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters, Interactive Data, SIX Financial Information, and many more. With unmatched depth and service levels, standard connections to the independent GoldenSource Nexus platform maximize time-to-market and prevent degradation.
Start with the GoldenSource tested and proven data model to adapt with future changes and new instruments without the constraints encountered with ad-hoc or application-coupled data models. The GoldenSource Data Model is fully exposed and documented to extend and retrieve data easily.